Tuesday 24 June 2008

Modern Love

I wanted to share with the flange members my latest acquisition. I was today given 'The Modern Greenhouse' by J S Dakers by a work colleague who is having a clear out. Now you need to understand that by modern we mean 1955 and this is an update on the original version of 1938. In a charming foreword the author says that the 1938 edition has been updated to take into account changes in horticultural practice. I have only had a quick flick through but had to smile to myself at a section which describes how to make up a general mix compost:

4 parts yellow loam, 2 parts peat-moss (from bales), 1 part course river sand.

The mind boggles - what is yellow loam? what bales? and do I need to go wading in the river!

Then to each bushel of compost add: one andhalf ounces superphosphate of lime, three quarters of an ounce of potash and two ounces of horn or hoof manure - I have too many questions to this part to list!

All I can say is thank goodness for John Innes!!!!!

Will peruse the book further and let you know if I find any more gems - no doubt I will

Helen (aka patientgardener)


emmat said...

isn't it interesting that people will be sceptical about biodynamic growing now, but that hoof and horn was popular right back then. Stuff Seabrook, let's cowhorn it!

The Diva said...

Everything is change that's for sure.~~Dee

The Garden Monkey said...

Not sure about Yellow Loam, but I know Yellow Snow is to be avoided.

VP said...

As is 'Yellow River' by Christie


WARNING: Do not use the above link unless you're into Karaoke style music websites! It might be best to disable your sound card first.

VP said...

Helen (or anyone else who has an ancient gardening book in their reading stash),

Do you have any info on soot in that book of yours? Following the recent GQT soot incident and my discovery of 20 bags of of it on my plot, I'm thinking about doing a soot experiment up on't plot. I haven't found much on the web - just 1 forum advocating its use as a soil conditioner/slug preventative plus Merton Council telling us not to put it on the compost heap because of potential heavy metals. Can you enlighten me any further?