Saturday, 18 September 2010

The Full Christo

In some ways this is a bit of a weak post to start the ball rolling for the “reinvigorated” Flange, but still, I hope, worthwhile.

If you’re like me and are a fan of a particular writer, then you probably like to have everything they’ve written. But sometimes, especially if the author is prolific and has had a long career, it can be difficult to establish all their works. For example, I know I still don’t have a full list of Graham Stuart Thomas’s books.

With that in mind here is a bibliography of the late Christopher Lloyd. I can’t claim any credit for it, because it was compiled by Erica Hunningher and I’ve lifted it from Hortus #77

The Mixed Border - 1957

Amateur Gardening Photo Album of Garden Plants (with A. G. L. Hellyer) - 1961

Shrubs and Trees for Small Gardens - 1965

Hardy Perennials - 1967

Gardening on Chalk and Lime - 1969

The Well-Tempered Garden - 1970

Foliage Plants - 1973

Clematis -1977

The Adventurous Gardener - 1983

Glyndebourne: The Gardens (with Anne Scott-James) - 1983

The Well-Chosen Garden - 1984

The Mixed Border (Wisley handbook) - 1986

The Year at Great Dixter - 1987

The Cottage Garden (with Richard Bird) - 1990

Garden Flowers from Seed (with Graham Rice) -1991

In My Garden - 1993

Planting your Garden (with Ursula Buchan and Fay Sharman) - 1993

Christopher Lloyd’s Flower Garden - 1993

Other People’s Gardens - 1995

Gardener Cook - 1997

Dear Friend and Gardener (with Beth Chatto) - 1998

Christopher Lloyd’s Gardening year - 1999

Christopher Lloyd Garden Flowers: Perennials, Bulbs, Grasses and Ferns - 2000

Colour for Adventurous Gardeners - 2001

Meadows - 2004

Succession Planting for Adventurous Gardeners - 2005

Exotic Planting for Adventurous Gardeners - 2007

Cuttings: A Year in the Garden with Christopher Lloyd - 2007

In My Garden: The Garden Diaries of Great Dixter - 2010

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